Kdz. Eregli Orhangazi Mosque

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Added by abozdemir

Kdz. Eregli Orhangazi Mosque;

The city was a Greek city in ancient times known as Heraclea Pontica after the Greek mythical hero Heracles. The Turkish name Karadeniz Ereğli means "Black Sea Ereğli" (kara="black", deniz="sea"), which distinguishes it from other places called Ereğli (the name Ereğli derives from Heraclea) . It was founded by a Megarian colony, which soon subjugated the native Mariandynians and extended its power over a considerable territory. The prosperity of the city, rudely shaken by the Galatians and the Bithynians, was utterly destroyed in the Mithridatic Wars. It was the birthplace of Heraclides Ponticus. According to Greek mythology, the cave guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus is located near the town. For his final quest, Heracles is tasked with entering the cave and capturing Cerberus.

Attractions Locations Mosques Black Sea Region Zonguldak Religious Places Turkey All Panoramas
Zonguldak, Kdz. Ereğli, ereğli, Orhangazi Cami, Mosque

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