Efteni Gölü - Havadan 360

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Ekleme Tarihi by abozdemir
114,096 İzlenme

Lake of Efteni; It is at the node of an ecological network where the river network of Düzce Plain merges into the Black Sea with the Great Melange channel. Efteni Lake is 5 km to Gölyaka center, 25 km to Düzce Center, 15 km to D-100 Highway and 10 km to TEM Highway.

Lake Efteni creates a suitable environment for animal life due to its rich vegetation and water resources. Within the conservation area, different ecological habitats such as reed areas, open water surfaces, marshes and mud flats provide shelter for a very rich animal life of different species, especially water birds.

Düzce Hava Panorama Doğal Güzellikler Göller Karadeniz Bölgesi Yüksek ve Hava Panorama Türkiye Tüm Panoramalar
göl, lake, efteni, efteni gölü, airpan, havapan

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